World Bioeconomy Forum

The World BioEconomy Forum is a global platform for circular bioeconomy stakeholders to share ideas and promote bio-based solutions since 2018. The Forum is fully committed to sustainability across the board and believe that climate change is real. As there is no one-size-fits-all bioeconomy, we evaluate the status of the circular bioeconomy with the Four-Pillar Structure. Programmes and other activities of the Forum are aligned according to the Four-Pillar Structure.

The World BioEconomy Forum is providing a platform for the circular bioeconomy stakeholders and it is facilitating developments of the sector
I By organizing public events for the interest groups related to the circular bioeconomy – Roundtables and Forums
II By promoting the circular bioeconomy agenda with a help its the members – World BioEconomy Circle
III By providing advisory services related to the circular bioeconomy

Since established 2018 the Forum has emerged an a well-known bioeconomy advocator.

We have a specific theme for each year – last year we discussed the role of the bioeconomy in curbing climate change and as a result we were invited to speak about the role of the bioeconomy at the climate conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. This was historical moment as never ever before has been a bioeconomy panel at a climate conference COP meeting! In year 2021 we focused on Brazil and as a result of it the state of Para, Brazil announced one of the first bioeconomy strategies in the entire continent!

The World BioEconomy Forum has a specific theme for each year – in year 2022 we discussed about the role of the bioeconomy related to the climate change. As a result of 2023 theme we were invited in the historical bioeconomy panel to the climate conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt to share global bioeconomy community perspective to the climate debate! Year before 2021, the Forum focused on Brazil – and as a result of it the state of Pará, Brazil introduced one of the first bioeconomy strategies in the entire continent at the Forum 2021!
For the year 2022 the Forum is focusing on creating a global hub for the bioeconomy by providing a global questionary for the bioeconomy society to share their perspective on this ever-increasing topic.


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